Thursday, May 29, 2008

2008 Election Series

Every two years, out congressmen are up for reelection. They can be broken into five groups:

Group 1: These congressmen support limited government, understands the incredible importance of the constitution, and supports other conservative values. These elected statesmen will not be manipulated by the beltway culture in Washington and will stand up to liberals. They are consistent over the years. They do not exist in liberal disticts, but must be protected in "swing" districts. Examples: John Carter (R, TX-31); Duncan Hunter (R, CA-52); Tom Tancredo (R, CO-6).

Group 2: These congressmen usually support conservative values, but are not as reliable as they should be. They will occasionally negociate with liberals. Sometimes they enter Washington more conservative but move to the left over time. Sometimes they are from more liberal districts and would otherwise not have a prayer to win in an election. These congressmen normally should not be targeted in primaries, and should be protected in liberal-leaning districts. John McCain falls on the very low end of this group. Examples: Peter King (R, NY-3); Frank Wolf (R, VA-10); Chris Smith (R, NJ-4).

Group 3: These congressmen are moderates. In conservative districts, they are out of touch and generally should be targeted. In liberal districts, they should be protected in elections as the representative could be much worse. Many republicans in the group lost in 2006, while democrats in the group generally did very well in 2006. Examples: Wayne Gilchrist (R, MD-1); Michael Castle (R, DE-1); John Carney (D, PA-10).

Group 4: These congressmen are liberals, but not extreme. With the exception of Chris Shays, they are all democrats. In conservative or swing districts, they should be heavily targeted. In very liberal districts, there is usually nothing that can be done. Examples: Chris Shays (R, CT-1); Heath Shuler (D, NC-11); Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D, SD-1).

Group 5: These congressmen are extremely liberal and must be handled like other animals. Anyone in this group in conservative or swing districts must be removed. In very liberal districts they are best defeated during votes at the capitol. Examples: Chet Edwards (D, TX-17); Maxine Waters (D, CA-35); John Conyers (D, MI-14).

There are five types of districts.

Type 1: Very conservative, intelligent, pro-life, and resilient. Liberals who are elected to these districts are usually elected through incredibly unusual circumstances. Examples: Alabama 6; Texas 22; Utah 1.

Type 2: Leans conservative, but can be swayed by dishonest candidates. The democrats love to target these districts whenever there are unpopular and moderate incubents. Examples: Mississippi 1; Missouri 4; North Dakota 1.

Type 3: Mixed bag. These districts can go either way, but contrary to popular opinion they do not prefer moderate candidates, they want canidates who they can relate. Democrats won many of these in the south and mid-west in 2006, but only because the republican incubents were out of touch with conservatism. True conservatives in these districts must be fierely protected. Examples: New Mexico 1; New York 13; Virginia 11.

Type 4: Leans liberal, but can be won by conservatives. Extreme liberals in these districts are vulnerable, but were largely (unfortunately) ignored in 2006. There are no conservatives in any of these districts, but there are some RINOS. Examples: Hawaii 1; Pennsylvania 12; Washington 8.

Type 5: Socialist. Targeting these districts is a waste of money even if the incubent is completely out of line. These districts are shrinking as people leave the rust belt and move south and west. Examples: California 8; New York 15; Ohio 11.

In 2008, here are the top five districts republicans absolutely must fight to protect:

Race 1:
New York 13
The incubent, Vito Fossella is leaving the office after a discraceful scandal. This is disappointing as he was the best congressman in all of New York. This race must be kept by the GOP as it will be very difficult to take back if lost. Staten Island can be won by conservatism just like Vito Fossella did.

Race 2:
New York 3
Incubent Peter King is vulnerable because his is in a liberal-leaning district. We must pull in our resources to help him because like the first New York district I mentioned, it cannot be won back later if lost.

Race 3:
Washington 8
Located across Seattle's eastern liberal suburbs, it is a miracle that a republican had this district. The incubent is less conservative than we would like him but still more conservative than most people give him credit for.

Race 4:
New Mexico 1
Incubent Heather Wilson is unfortunately in the RINO Group RMSP, but more conservative than most people in it. She is also in a liberal-leaning district. It is a miracle that Albuquerque relected her in 2006. Again she is vulnerable, but again she can win.

Race 5:
Michigan 9
Democrats have made it no secret that they want this suburban Detroit district. By all means Joe Knollenberg must be kept in office, and the RNC must pool in their resources to ensure that this happens. He was barely relected in 2006.

The following five seats must be targeted and are winnable.

Target 1:
Texas 17
This is by far the most conservative district in the country which is represented by a democrat, Chet Edwards. It is also my district. There is no excuse for a democrat to be representing Waco and Bryan-College Station. Rumors that Edwards is moderate are immediately debunked because he endorsed Obama. If the conservatives can't win here in 2008, they will in 2010.

Target 2:
Texas 22
Nick Lampson was unopposed and still only barely won against a write-in candidate. Why did this happen? Tom DeLay was indicted for a crime he didn't commit and was forced to resign. As I have said before, anyone can be indicted for anything, no matter what. Ronnie Earle is a bitch for doing that too. Lampson's lame duck term began the minute he was elected, but he has the money to win again too because of the fall-out. He must be stopped.

Target 3:
Iowa 2
David Loebsack won this district because of a RINO who lost touch with Iowa and pissed everyone off. Even then, Loebsack barely won. And Loebsack is extremely liberal. This is a very winnable race if a conservative candidate runs against him.

Target 4:
North Dakota 1
Why does this asshole keep winning? Probably because North Dakota likes to vote for incubents no matter how much bullshit they take. Enough is enough, someone needs to step up and stand up to this guy. No district so conservative has had a liberal congressman for so long.

Target 5:
South Dakota 1
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is incredibly out of touch with South Dakota. Why does she keep getting relected? Probably her looks. I know from experience - I lost a student election once because my oppenent was a female who had a large rack. So we need to think outside the box... we need to find a highly attractive (qualified) conservative female candidate to run against the bitch from South Dakota or else the Mount Rushmore state is screwed.

I'll have some more later. If Bobby Jindal is chosen as McCain's Vice Presidential Selection, and Obama calls Jindal a macaca, I'll level the playing field from 2006 and make sure the liberals are shellacked in November worse than they've ever imagined.

1 comment:

StolenMonkey86 said...

"I lost a student election once because my oppenent was a female who had a large rack."

Wow. And I know exactly what you're talking about too.